
The decision to implement a project portfolio management application should be supported by a business case, like any other project: what is the return on investment (ROI) of a ppm tool? What are the benefits and how do you transform these into financials? According to a Forrester study, the ROI of a project portfolio management application can be as high as 250%. We discuss four benefits to include in the business case.

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Organizations are always in motion. As long as the changes lead to the desired outcome, all fine but many companies struggle with this challenge. In the Bizztracker model we use three pillars to steer changes in the right direction.

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eople often find change scary, which make them resistant to it. To make project portfolio management successful, it is important that employees understand the goal and added value of ppm. Therefore we present six ways in which management can support in this.

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Many organizations are preparing the budgets for 2020. Which projects are we going to implement ? But is the annual budget cycle actually compatible with effective project portfolio management? We give you four tips to combine the best of both worlds.

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020 has started and the question arises: how do you make sure that the plan is implemented as planned? How do you keep an overview, where do you get your information from and how do you manage it to bring it alive? Or, how do you make sure you adjust your plan on time if there are new developments that require change of course?

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To be sure that an application meets the needs of your organization, more is needed than a few conversations and a short demo. A Proof of Concept (PoC) can offer a solution: a way to easily discover the software before you make a purchase decision. But how do you ensure that a PoC is successful? Here are five tips.

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Project portfolio management, or selecting the right projects, is an art. But: which project portfolio management application should you select? And: what should you pay attention to?

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In the average organization many projects are happening at the same time making it a challenge to keep your eyes on the big picture. How do you know that you are doing the right things? In this article we explain how you get started with project portfolio management.

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Understanding the difference between projects, programs and portfolios is key to get started with project portfolio management. But also how they are linked. Dive into the definitions to have a clear picture.

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Strategy determines the course of every company: where do we want to go? Many organisations find this a complex matter. Project portfolio management can offer a solution. With these four tips, every organisation can bridge the gap between strategy and execution.

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